Bonnyville Forest Nursery

The Bonnyville Forest Nursery ( (BFN) grows 15 million seedlings annually for the reforestation, reclamation and horticultural industries. The nursery has developed an expertise in growing native coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs to reclaim oil and gas disturbances. The nursery uses several methods of propagation including seed, hardwood cuttings, softwood cuttings and tissue culture.

By working with a local nursery, Boreal can be involved in all stages of stock production, from sowing to harvest, on behalf of its clients.

Lite-Step Silviculture Services

Lite-Step Silviculture Services is a small team of dedicated individuals who believe in fostering long-term partnerships based on integrity and professionalism.  They may be a new company but they have deep roots with 10 years of progressive experience in commercial reforestation, oilfield reclamation, seed and cutting collection, Alberta pine beetle control and research trial establishment.

They are keenly interested in new and developing techniques and technologies that make our world a better place.


  • Canadian Land Reclamation Association

  • Alberta Native Plant Council

  • Woodlot Association of Alberta

  • Alberta Sand and Gravel Association


Call us to discuss your Seedling & Reforestation Needs
